10 Hare-rowing Minutes

10 August 2017, Thursday

Finally facing the frightening task. To cut Marsh's (Marshmallow's) nails. Long overdue by at least 3-6 months! Inspiration came from A1's attempt on one (Yes, just one!) last night, while watching National Day Parade on TV.

So, how many people does it take to cut a rabbit's (Or at least Marsh's) nails?

Comfortably, four. … One to hug her, one to scratch her head and make her go "aaaaahhh…" and relax, one to hold my handphone light so that it shines through the nails, and one to perform the harrowing deed.

Still feasible, three. … Depending on the angle of the cut, the task of angling and balancing the handphone light tossed among the remaining three.

We made do with three.

Three legs and fourteen nails later (Four on each hind foot, five on front right, and one of five on front left), I decided the risk of getting nipped by a scared bunny was too likely. She had already tried a couple of times as we worked on the last foot, which happened to be a front one – too near Marsh's sharp front teeth.

Four more hare-rowing nails to clip … another time.

The only little bits of hard rabbit nail parts I managed to round up after the clipping.

One thought on “10 Hare-rowing Minutes

  1. This popped up in my email. Clicked to read what I blogged about so long ago. Made me miss Marshmallow. Then I got to the photo. My heart broke! I wish I was better at taking care of rabbits. And I wish I spent more time with her. Sorry, Marshy! I would take endless nips from you just to have you back!

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